Because Matt works with the DOT, and the DOT helps out the State Fair every year, the DOT gave us free tickets to the Fair. So we decided to do a Date Night to the State Fair and not ride rides, but instead check out the local agricultural venues. We saw cows, goats, chickens, roosters, geese, and ducks. I touched a cow, and even held a baby duck! 

Then we found a pineapple bush! That proves the common misconception that pineapples grow on trees. So when someone says, "I thought pineapples grew on trees," please slap them and show them this picture. Yes sir, we are educating America one fruit at a time.

Then we went to see who won the awards for "The Largest Produce." I personally love the 300 lb. pumpkin, and the huge watermelon that Matt found. I bet it wasn't seedless.

Then we found a pineapple bush! That proves the common misconception that pineapples grow on trees. So when someone says, "I thought pineapples grew on trees," please slap them and show them this picture. Yes sir, we are educating America one fruit at a time.

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