Friday, August 22, 2008

4 Things About Me

4 random things I love about my husband:
  1. He's very gentle and genuine.
  2. He's wicked hot.
  3. He washes the dishes if I cook dinner.
  4. He would rather spend time with me than hangout with the boys after work.
4 jobs I've had:
  1. Sales person at a Christian bookstore
  2. Customer Service Rep at a under-staffed department store
  3. Babysitter
  4. High School English teacher
4 movies I have watched more than ten times:
  1. The Princess Bride
  2. Donovan's Reef
  3. Lord of the Rings Trilogy
  4. Aladdin
4 TV shows I watch:
  1. Andy Griffith Show
  2. The Price is Right
  3. Law & Order SVU
  4. Simpsons
4 places I have been:
  1. Maui, HI
  2. Salt Lake, UT
  3. Minneapolis, MN
  4. Wilmington, NC
4 people who email me regularly:
  1. Joe Daines (our adoption case worker)
  2. Nobody. I tend to call people more now.
4 of my favorite foods:
  1. Sushi
  2. Barbecue Ribs
  3. Shrimp
  4. Lasagna
4 places I would like to visit:
  1. Venice or Florence, Italy
  2. Ireland
  3. Paris
  4. Japan
4 things I am looking forward to in the coming year:
  1. Finally getting our adoption papers approved!Woo-hoo!
  2. Adopting our first baby
  3. Celebrating our next anniversary
  4. Moving into a new apartment

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